
Friday, June 21, 2013

Here's to crazy ones

“Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Some old writing of mine

The world is full of stars hidden in the darkness evry one holds a key a pice of the puzzle I hold it forever in my grasp I am a Titan you are a peasant we are all controlled by our minds our minds holds the key to the universe te universe is nothing but lies and dreams and hope but the only thing that holds us together is a cheery little fella named hope hope holds us all together our hope holds us all together forever I am in a race of technological giants and social infinciy I know i am the Shepard of a race of sheep I guide them to the light they whisper a mute hatred and curiosity of my exit se we are all mad man under mad skies I hold all lies under my cloak I burden myself with the weight of a god forever under the calm sky
here is a link to the secondary blog

why am i here

i am trying to save you my faceless saints i want you to see me as a  faceless friend i want you to know that there people out there that care i want to share things you do like leaving little notes to brighten peoples day or giving extra money in a tip jar to scrubbing otters i love to help people and makes me feel better when i know someone out there has a heart

my story

my story

during my middle school career as a student i was subject to many bully's though i had never had a issue as severe than the one i had with a teacher in 2011-2012this teacher did not allow me to actually participate in class and on top of that this class was one of the most difficult for me i don't think with numbers so i wasn't allowed in class she would violently attack the students and when i brought these issues forward to the princable of the school they had me removed form classrooms my  way of dealing with anger is to write it down so naturally when i was angry at these teachers i wrote them down and they took those out of the trash and said i was threatening the teacher this teacher basically went to war against me a student for reasons i suspect for having autism spectrum disorder and the fact that i was a strong advocate of students rights she hated me with the fires of hell being the eccentric man i am i naturally wore my bullet proof vest to school because she had these nasty foam weapons and hit us with them she thought we loved because the idiot in the front row lets call him bob so bob said hit me with a axe she did he is as happy as a clam and she took it as fun to be headhunted in a ESE inclusion math class i had friends here and a girlfriend with this i became a crazed man fighting them i was hostile i lost all of my friends and my girlfriend they are still Friends but i disapered i came back swinging not literally but what happened was i basically got in more and more trouble trying to stop her from throwing me out of the class because i had to use a computer so they threw me in detonation perfectly polite i told the princables how i felt guess what that went over well i was locked in offices and i ran that is the reason i now allways have a charged phone they finally kicked me out i had a teacher come to the house i became a reclosue i sat back got stronger and healed then my journey continued i ended up in private school center academy where I met Mrs.Louise and ms Aziaden both became great influences on my recovery me going back hostile and bitter shield raised they slowly worked me down and i grew  very found of them they gave me great books to read and i felt safe after such a long time i still didn't trust people i don't trust anyone to this day i haven't been able to make Friends because of myself being so guarded but they wanted to be my Friends but i smiled because i knew that i was unable to do anything about it i knew my pain and my past would make me a horrible Friend the girls all liked me but i was so scared of the past that i couldn't move on to my future and my academic work failed i am all As until you get math i am B and C student when it comes to math here at this school all D's i just couldn't work i had therapists i had talks i mediated i prayed i learned so much i was defeated not by mortal men but my own mind i
had so much to overcome i couldn't do anything i just was stuck in a endless fight i slowly coaxed my way up near the end killed the last of them at the end too late i was finally moving on now summer here i do what i normally do i sleep and dream but this is just last year  a snip of my story i will add to it plenty of story's to come

Monday, June 17, 2013

so any folks here have any rants or thoughts about summer i love a good poem lets see if your creative enough to come up with some poems mine is not that good but here it is unfinshed

the warm summer night filled him with joy and something more some some unknown entry the accedes are hiding something more than the air surrounds

Friday, June 14, 2013


Monopoly currency has no value it is imaginary   American Money has no value it is just paper so what is value do we even have wealth is that just a illusion 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

rant l

we are the middle children of history we have no purpose or place we have no great war or great depression our great war is our lives we have been raised by that horrible evil talking box to believe if we work here we can become movie stars and rock gods and millionaires and we wont but our younger generations are so eager to believe the lies because why wouldn't the talking box lie to us we are addicted to sex drugs and money and we wouldn't want to not believe the talking box sitting there smiling telling us how to live and what 'others" are up too that followed the talking box if this was shown to a man from the 6th century he would think it is witchcraft and he is right this is simply telling us how to live now through out our lives  it has always been something suppressing us only they got clever much clever and this time we haven't discovered the control systems and the few who don't fit in the round peg are considered to be outsiders or undesirables and i beckon them not the criminals or the others of that nature to learn i hear the story's from the ones who have gone through inferous it breaks my heart but i cant simply defend them no i must be there friend they must trust me enough to let me save them i am saving angels from hell  the point of this is to find the saviors the ones that are the misfits in essence i am looking to find them and help them consider me a faceless friend